Jumping into a whole new world is the most overwhelming feeling ever! I have been at college for 9 days now and it is like jumping into a pool of icewater--Cool, unexpected, panicy, shocking, yet refreshing, and thrilling.
Anybody that is going to BYUidaho do not, I repeat, DO NOT participate in iTeam activities. They are super lame. They run from Thursday night to Saturday night. It is like EFY but 10 times more babyish. One of my friend's sisters warned us afterwards to not go. Too late. but seriously, it was lame. After a while we stopped going to the activities.
Friday afternoon we went slacklining. Basically tight rope walking about 2 ft off the ground. I am really bad at it, but that just means I have plenty of room to improve. We met these two guys , Andrew and Andrew, who tried to slack line too. They were pretty fun kids. You'll hear more about them later...That night Robyn and I went to Spencer's dorm, Robyn's cousin, to watch a scary movie. We ended up going home to take care of Ashley who wasn't feeling very well and watched part of Runaway Bride. Best movie ever. :)
Sometime we went to the BYUi talent show. I cant remember when, but i remember being there! There was incredible talent. Beatboxing, clogging, whipping, vocals, and musical instrument skills, and more. It made me feel like I am not good at anything.
These were at the talent show :)
I love my Roomies:)

Saturday morning we went to Monkey Rock to jump off a waterfall and a bridge. Bridge Jumping!!! Something I told my mother I probably wouldnt do. But! the opportunity presented itself quite quickly. My roommates and I went with the Andrews and a couple more guys. The waterfall was only about a 10 foot drop, but it was still scary because you cant see your landing because of the foam from the falls and its really shallow. I was told to tuck up my legs real high so that I wouldnt touch the bottom too hard. I even tucked my legs up and my shins and knees hit the rocks at the bottom and left a few small bruises. The water was FREEZING and the current was so strong and we had to swim against it to get to the shore. After that we went over to the bridge, a much higher drop--about 30 feet or something. I liked that more because I could actually see the landing and knew that if I landed right, I wouldn't get hurt. The water was also a tad warmer. That took all of my energy out of me just getting up the courage to do it! It was terrifying. Luckily I couldnt back out because someone was taking a group photo of all of us jumping. Unfortunately, the picture never took, or it didnt turn out or something. I dont know. Anyways! it took a whole heap of courage for me to that kind of risky stuff.
(Andrew, Andrew, Jayson, Nicolas, Robyn, Me, Ashley, Jessica, Wyatt, and Brett)
the bridge
i am second from the right :)
That afternoon Carissa Allred and her husband and their new baby came over to welcome us to Rexburg. We got to hold little baby Kyler. He is the cutest cutest little baby ever and I got to hold him before his Aunt, my best friend Stacey! HA!
That night was iNight, and for those coming here as new freshman, DO go to that! it is a huge deal! There are roller coasters and rock climbing and a dance and life size fooseball and other cool activities. Except the lines are SUPER long. but its is still a way fun experience.
Sunday we went to big girls church! Singles Ward Baby! It is basically Kerr Hall which is dorm girls, and then there are girls and boys from off campus housing. So....almost all of the boys are RMs, and almost all of the girls are New Freshies. Kind of weird, but we will make it awesome:) That night we had boys over for dinner.
We also made cookies!....they didnt turn out. embarrassing....
Monday night for family home evening we are going to go to Fat Cats for bowling and Pizza with our ward. I cant wait!!! Then we will find out our FHE groups so we can do fun stuff every monday to make mondays better!
The first day of classes was monday and let me just tell you. It is no piece of cake. Monday and tuesday I was stressing out so so much because the work load is awful!!! I might as well move a cot in the library because I feel like I am always there. Actually, I have started studying outside because it is still warm and its peaceful outside. And one time this guy came and sat right down right next to me and we talked for like, an hour about serious stuff. It was so crazy! By thursday and friday I think I figured it out. I am really going to love my Child Development class. I LOVE my teacher and I can just tell that it is going to be a wonderful semester with her. I dropped English class because my teacher was AWFUL!!!!!!! He basically told us (nick and Jessica were in that class too)that average is a C, therefore if everyone does the best that everyone can do, even if it is all A+ work, it is still average, because everyone is working at the same level, therefore it is C work. Terrible Huh? So now I am taking an Online English class along with my Online Anatmoy, which is also going to be wonderful! i love my book of Mormon teacher too! Brother Anderson is such a deep teacher and just love the way he is already teaching the book of Mormon.
We had a complex activity this week too! We drew chalk pictures all over the side walk and ate cookies and milk and played games :)
Friday Night my room mates and I got our first taste of what we never thought Rexburg, Idaho would be. We went to a small party out where we went bridge jumping and didnt feel comfortable with the environment there so we stood up for ourselves and left the situation to get Sodas at mcdonalds and watch Mean Girls and have a sleepover at home :) We also made brownies that, come to find out this morning were still warm sitting on the stove because we left the oven on all night last night! whoopsies.
Friday was also laundry day for Robyn and I. Oh! and the DI!!
sitting on the washers doing homework and waiting for our laundry.
sitting out side waiting for the laundry because it got real steamy in there. haha
Dancin' and studyin'
(last week we bought a TV, DVD Player, and all of the cords and adapters for $30. saweet deal!)
I found Robyn's keys after we all searched for forever for them!!!
Yesterday Rachel and Robyn took super cutie pie pictures of all of us friends just outside our dorm. Check it.
Last night we went to a Dance party at the flight museum and then left early. We need to find better parties...and watched the BYU/Utah Football Game. what a crazy game. Utah rushed the field before the game was over, which gave us our one second left to win the game. BUT! if the punter would have kicked straight, we would have won. It bounced off the pole. Super intense.
(I will to try to blog more often instead of waiting so long because this is just WAY too long!!!)
There is nothing normal about this new life, but I am glad that I just had to jump into it and embrace it.