Sunday, March 31, 2013


okay so i never do this. 2 blogs in one day...awkward. haha but I started this one last week. 

Since I have been home, I have been a substitute Primary teacher, but Iv practically been substituting the same class the whole time. CTR 7.  Oh my goodness I love them! The only thing is...I feel bad for them.  Their teachers moved and new ones havent been called.  But they are supposed to be preparing for baptism and having all of these great lessons, sometimes I just felt like I couldnt help them with everything they needed to learn.  I tried my best though.  These kids are at such a wonderful age! They say the funniest things!
After Sam steals a piece of chalk from Kendra she says, "Im gonna beat you up til your dust Sam!!"  Ruby chimes in: "Kendra that's impossible.  You cant beat someone til they are dust."  Kendra defends herself saying, "Well, maybe I cant. but my DAD can--Did you know that my dad jumped off a building that was 'one hundred-ninety-two-five' feet tall and I grabbed a mattress from the dump and slid it right under him.  I was so mad! I sad.  'DAD! you cant jump off a building that is one hundred-ninety-two-five feet tall! Youre the dad! Youre kind of an important part of the family!!!!!! (With her hands above her head)' " 

Everyday Kendra tells me, "My mom said I was born hyper!!!"
She sure can talk!

Today we talked about Easter in sharing time and the teacher was explaining that when Christ was crucified  great destruction came in the land. "There were earthquakes, and lightning and--" sam interrupts with: "and acid rain!?!?"  (chirp chirp) anyways! hahaha it was hilarious.

Also today, one of the little girls burst into tears.  I must have missed what happened because it seemed so all of a sudden to me. I sat down with her and asked her what happened.  "My feelings got hurt." I asked her how and she said, "someone said I wasn't a good friend." I told her to never let what people say bother you. Don't listen to them.  She thanked me and quickly stopped crying. It was such a precious moment :)

On the first day of class we talked about the Book of Mormon and how it is the keystone of our religion.  Kendra drew me this picture after I drew it on the board.  This was the only time she has called me Emily...or...Emlea. haha for some reason  now she calls me emma.  Its kinda cute :)

Then today after sacrament meeting she gave me this post-it.  She said that she drew a mermaid for me while I was giving my talk. I'm gonna miss these kids!

Happy Easter!

 We went to the Easter Pageant! Just as a expected, AMAZING.
Seriously, if you ever get the opportunity to see it. DO!
We spent a little while before wandering around the visitors center and I noticed the massive amount of
sister missionaries.  I couldn't turn the corner without seeing at least like 4..
It was way awesome! I even ran into the same sisters I met at the beginning of the week.
Such a great experience.

Camilla and I


 Christ blesses the Sacrament
 Christ washes the disciples feet

The Last Supper

The Atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane

The Resurrection

This morning I had the pleasure of giving a talk.  My first grown up one. So Scary.  I also had my bishop's interview for my mission.  HORAY! It was such a spiritual experience to sit with Bishop Huso and talk about a mission and to get things ready to be sent to the Stake president.  I cant believe this is actually happening.  And I promise I will keep saying that as time continues to pass. haha :)  Sadly, it was my last Sunday in my ward today because I leave next tuesday! Which is so exciting, but I have really come to love the people in my ward. It has been such a different experience being in a family ward with nobody my age, socializing with adults, and teaching primary.  I am going to miss them!

After church we partook of some Easter traditions...Dying Eggs!

 Look alive everybody!

'I'm. focusing. so. hard. must. be. perfect.'

And...caught. Oops 

Micky Mouse :) love

I am so thankful for Easter and that Jesus Christ was willing to sacrifice himself so that we can use the atonement to repent and live with him and our Father in Heaven again forever.  
If you get a chance, read this article! I used it as a reference in my talk and I absolutely LOVE it.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sneak Peaks

I decided I really love days off.
This morning I went to the temple and did baptisms and tried to write my talk for Easter Sunday.
Yes, I'm speaking on Easter.
Honestly I feel like someone older and wiser should be speaking about the atonement and resurrection  specifically on Easter, but the Lord must be trying to tell me that I need to understand more on the subject, hence, a talk.  You always learn more from the meetings when you are speaking, teaching, or sharing, so I really am grateful for the opportunity.

Every year the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints puts on an Easter pageant at the Mesa Temple ground.  It's kind of a huge deal--makes the front page in the paper, etc. It's an amazing opportunity for missionary work.  In fact, it brings in enough new members to make a whole ward. (200-300 people). It is seen by about 150,000 people total. I had the opportunity to go a few years ago and it was incredible!  I really hope we'll be able to go this year 'cause it is so powerful!  While at the temple this morning I was able to walk through the empty "stadium" and holy guacamole its humungus! and so peaceful...

This is what it looks like from the stage. I got this photo from online 'cause I wasn't able to get on stage.  huge right? 10,000 folding chairs, plus grass seating.

So here is a little sneak peak at what it looks like, all peaceful and empty. Ive never been this close!  so awesome!
I swear, I better be able to go this year.

While I was wandering through the pageant grounds I ran into two sister missionaries and talked with them for a while about themselves and myself and missionary work in the area and in general.  One was from Hondurus, and the other was from California and had only been out 2 days.  
I am really grateful that we stumbled upon each other today because I really needed it. I didn't know I needed it until afterwards, but I needed to hear about missionary work and have questions answered from sisters.  Because I hadn't yet. 

They were so beyond excited about me turning in my papers soon.  they started jumping up and down and pounced me with hugs. 'Whoa Nellie! I don't even know yall!' but I loved it  They made me promise to tell them where I get called, so I'll have to write them:) 
That experience gave me a brief sneak peak into my future as a missionary. I dont even really know them, but I am grateful for these two bright, lovely sisters.

I love love love the Mesa Temple.  the grounds are huge and gorgeous! AND it's warm.  

Later, mommy and I went out to Paradise Bakery for lunch! Day 3 with no sugar and we are still going strong! I love her and I am going to miss her when I go back to school. :)

Smoked Turkey Panini. Heavenly!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tis the Season...for Shorts!

Hey all! It's time for shorts! Honest;y, I have never been one to wear shorts everyday in the summer, or I guess spring here, but lately, that's all I wear!  The only problem is that I don't have very many. 

So this morning I decided to take a pair of jeans that are slightly too short for me and turn them into cut-offs. But of course that wasn't enough, so I soaked the ends in bleach.  and vwa lah! I saw it on pinterest, and they said mix 2 parts water and 1 part bleach, and thats crap. at least for the jeans I used. haha It didnt do hardly anything.  So I just dumped the solution and used pure bleach instead. That did the trick.

Monday I registered for classes...holy heck!!! the most stressful 5 minutes of my life!!! 
Im taking Art101(art history pretty much), Drawing 1, Mission Prep, American Foundations, and Im still waiting to snatch up a Science Foundations and a Book of Mormon part2. 

Yesterday I went to the Doctor to get my physical for my mission. I am afraid of needles. I don;t know WHY i ever wanted to be a nurse. I was crazy...I had my blood drawn and a TB shot.  I cried. I realize i'm a baby about it.  I dont know WHAT im gonna do when I have to give birth...  
I submit my mission papers in 3 weeks and I just cannot wait to find out where the Lords needs me to be :)

Also...30 more days til school! Im beyond excited to back up to BYUidaho :)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Look Up

Yesterday my family and I enjoyed the blazin' heat as we went on a hike through Usery Park in Mesa.  Who would have thought it was even possible for it to be 92 Degrees in March, in the early evening?! Not me...but apparently that is normal here, and the temps arent going to fall much lower than that from here on out.
On our hike my dad was talking to us about how hiking is like life.  You have to watch your feet a lot so you dont fall down the mountain but it's also important to pause and look up, or you'll miss everything around you.  So thank you daddy-o. :)

Arizona sure does have a different kind of beauty, but it is still a beauty.

Also, Happy Pi Day!

30 jumping jacks
14 pushups
14 tricep dips
14 burpees
14 squats
30 lunges
30 calf raises
14 jump squats
14 shorts bridges
:30 sec plank
:30 sec superman
14 vertical  leg crunches
30 crunches
30 jumping jacks

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Peace, Be Still

There was a wonderful article in the Ensign this month, the First Presidency Message actually, that our home teacher shared with us tonight.
Peace, Be Still.
It was perfect. Exactly what I needed to hear.  In short, it discusses how we can feel the Holy Ghost in our lives.  How can we be an instrument in the Lord's hands? How can we feel the promptings of the Spirit and be an answer to someone's prayer? One way is to be in the right place at the right time. How can we know where and when though?
Be still.
We live in this world, but we are not of this world. Or, we shouldnt be. Our world is loud and busy and noisy.  We have many distractions.  We have the spirit on one shoulder and the devil on the other.  Who will we flick off?
I have heard this time and time again, that to be closer to the spirit and to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we need to eliminate distractions and be still.  Eliminate the "noise" of our lives.  We are a busy people.  That isn't necessarily a bad thing! We may be involved in many good things! But do we make enough time for Him?--the reason why we are here is to get back to Him isn't it?

From this article I have also learned that Heavenly Father has a plan for us.  I need to stop stressing about what that plan is and just go to Him.  I need to lose the noise in my life, be still, and trust Him. As the partial chorus states below, all things--ocean, earth, and skies--obeys our loving Master.  We need not worry.  Peace, Peace, Be Still.

"Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea
Or demons or men or whatever it be,
No waters can swallow the ship where lies
The Master of ocean and earth and skies.
They all shall sweetly obey thy will:
Peace, be still."

President Thomas S. Monson closed his article stating, "Through tears and trials, through fears and sorrows, through the heartache and loneliness of losing loved ones, there is assurance that life is everlasting. Our Lord and Savior is the living witness that such is so. His words in holy writ are sufficient: “Be still, and know that I am God.” 

I know that as I eliminate distractions, and replace them with things that are going to help strengthen my testimony of Christ, I will feel the power of the Holy Ghost more strongly in my life and I will grow closer to my Savior.  I know that his plan for me is real and that I have no need to worry if I have faith, be still, and know that He lives and he is fighting for me.  

Friday, March 8, 2013

TOMS Wallet

I saw this really cute idea on pinterest, 
turning your TOMS flag into a wallet.  
For those of you who don't know,
 every pair of TOMS comes with a TOMS sticker 
and flag/drawstring baggy thingy. 

Thank you to whoevers genius mind came up with this one.
Try doing this with your flag! So creative.

I hope everyone is enjoy this beautiful spring weather! I sure am loving the sun:)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

DIY Vest

I found this cool denim vest at a yard sale a couple weeks ago and it was way too big for me so I thought 'hey this could be a cool project!' I took in the sides and the back and added lace to the pockets. It was a challenge and didnt turn out quite like I wanted but i'll still wear it 'cuz from a distance its kinda cute and pretty much on any given day my hair would hide the sloppy parts.