Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Homebodies

School Work + Freezing Cold = Homebodies
Most of our apartment isn't really up to going out on the town anymore... Robyn still parties, but it's like, we work so hard with homework and studying and cramming that when we aren't, all we want to do is relax.   At least, all I want to do is relax. (That and it is just so cold that no one wants to go outside unless absolutely necessary) Wake up, study/homework, go to class for an hour, come home, eat, study/homework, eat, sleep, and so on...Oh! and "Once Upon a Time."

Jessica introduced us to "Once Upon a Time" and I LOVE it! AND it is family appropriate! What the heck?! I feel like it pretty hard to come by. So..relaxing time="Once Upon a Time"

The first snow of the season came last week and boy was it gorgeous.  I'm not a fan of playing in the snow but I think it's the most beautiful thing to watch.
You can't really see that it is snowing here... just a flurry

There we go!

Fall+Winter=Incredibly Beautiful

Just for the record, we have the bestest neighbor friends ever! They snuck into our apartment one morning and made us pancakes!
Thank you Rachel and Morgan! We love you guys :) 

I am actually experimenting with cooking a little more too!
I made grilled cheese and tomato soup (Dad will appreciate this :) 

For dinner one night I also made Chick Pea Pasta Soup.  Pinterest Success!

AND!! I made myself a salted caramel Hot Chocolate the other day.  Not as good as Starbucks, but still delicious!

For FHE one night we went to the Straw Maze--super fun, but super hard! There was a guy walking along the top of the maze and after an hour of watching us walk in  circles he said we had been walking 1/4 of the maze the whole time! and he helped us out.  Our FHE Family is finally bonding! took us long enough...

School is getting harder. Although Book of Mormon is over.  SAD DAY! I loved that class.  My Testimony has never been so strong. But anatomy is kicking my Gluteus Maximus so....yikes. That's tough.  Hopefully I can look back on this and it will be worth it.  

Spiritual Side Note: I miss Family Wards.  Even though there are kids, crayons, and cheerios, they are more respectful and reverent than Young Single Adult Wards. Today during sacrament meeting, from where I was sitting, I counted 24 phones out.  And our ward isn't even big! 24! Ten Bucks says they weren't reading scriptures or talks either.  Really people? Are texting, facebooking, and instagramming more important than the Savior? NO.  Would you be playing on your phones if Christ was literally in that meeting? I sure hope not.  But he was there.  The sacrament represents the blood and body of Christ.  His body is laying on the table.  Figuratively, but still.  Sorry if this comes across as chastising, but I feel very strongly about this. It breaks my heart to look around the chapel and see so many adults putting social networking before Christ.  It is not enough to just show up to church. If you can't leave your phone at home, in your car, or in your purse for 3 hours, or at least for meetings, that is sad.    

On a more exciting note...being a homebody isn't so bad! We watch Once Upon a Time and take naps because we stay up so late, and Im getting good grades! Which is good...haha now I just sound like I am trying to justify staying home. Oh well, it's probably not going to change! :P

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Make Someone's Day Every Day

This is the beach.  and no, I am not there.  But my family is! I hope they are having a wonderful time at the beach and at Disneyland!  

Friday Morning I went to the temple and thought I had plenty of time!  Turns out I need to to go a lot earlier than 8:30.  The temple was so so so busy and I guess that is really great because more work is being done and it shows that a lot of students are making the temple a big part of their lives.  But by the time it was my turn, my Child Development class STARTED in 15 minutes.  I was panicking the entire time about the clock and so I didn't feel the spirit as strongly as I could have.  I ended up running from the temple to the apartment, grabbing my backpack and running to class--no make up, sopping wet hair in a bun on top of my head, and huffing and puffing from running--5 minutes late.  It was a very stressful morning.  Lesson Learned: go to the temple earlier. 

But one thing that I will always remember is that as I was almost to the Clark Building, slowing down to a speed walk, looking like a mess, a girl stopped me, looked me right in eyes and said, "Wow, your dress is so pretty" and after I thanked her, she told me that she hoped I had a really good day.  I was taken back by it but I was so thankful for her and her comments.  She made my day and she didn't even know it.  Kind of makes me wonder if I ever make people's day, and so I decided to try to be really aware of how I can turn people's days around and possibly be an answer to someone else's prayer.

Spencer, Robyn's cousin, came over a few nights ago and we watched Gossip Girl while I did homework.  Definitely not my favorite show.  

Last night we had a girls' night, which is actually very unusual for us.  We ran over to Maverick and bought junk food and then watched What to Expect When You're Expecting.  I bought Sprees.  I don't usually like Sprees..but I got them.  I have NO idea why until I ate some.  and I realized that they remind me of my mom! Sprees are one of her favorites.  Anyways, what a hilarious and tender movie!  I loved it.

Today I did a lot of indexing.  I am one of the many indexers in my ward and I am so grateful to have this calling because it is already helping me to become stronger with my Heavenly Father by trusting in the spirit of revelation and praying for guidance to get the records right.  It has also taught me to be praying more often to keep the spirit with me so that I can be ready to aid in the progress of Family History.

Nothing like ending the week with a skype date with Matthew and a heart to heart with Ashley :) I am so blessed to have such good friends!  They make my day every day!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pinterest: Lame or Legit?

Everybody knows what Pinterest is and if you don't, well, "Eunice! ...that's lame!") 
It is seriously the most perfect planner, idea finder, hair how-to's, budget-er  browser, recipe book, outfit maker, workout guide etc.  Here are some of my very favorites from pinterest...

I actually did this above my desk! Legit.


Freakin' gorgeous dress. Legit. 

Super delicious Chinese Chicken Salad Recipe. LOVED it. Legit.

Sunflower cake. Legit.

Quickest, easiest, and super cute hair style. Legit.

On the other hand...sometimes... pinterest goes wrong. and that is disappointing.
Today I tried to dehydrate berries in the oven for 3 hours at 210 degrees. I was so excited because all--ALL--of my pinterest experiences have been great and helpful.  These, however did not turn out...

could have been legit...
They were way more tart than when they were raw and they didn't get that dehydrated texture, AND! the bottoms burned. 

For the most part though, I love pinterest.  and I am not trying to bash it.  I was just so sad that my pinterest endeavor went wrong :( 

Monday, October 8, 2012

This Changes Things

Happy October!
This past weekend I had the opportunity to go down to Salt Lake City with my room mate, Robyn, and some other friends to go see General Conference.  This General Conference has indeed made Church history, as our prophet Thomas S. Monson announced the new change in missionary age.  Men can now serve at 18 years old, and women can now serve at 19 years old.  
I have never really deeply considered going on a mission.  I always thought that it would be an amazing experience, if I wasn't married by the time I was 21.  But now I am seriously, deeply, thinking about it.  I really want to. 
 I talked to Matt and my Mom and Dad about it and they were all so encouraging.  It is awesome to talk about it with Matt because he is going through about the same thing with the age change, except that it is totally optional for women. It's awesome for me to think that if I do go, we will be out at the same time.  I know that through fasting, prayer, studying my patriarchal blessing, and others preparations, I can know what the Lord has planned for me.

Friday, before we left for Utah, we went to the Rexburg Temple for the first time.  Yes, I should have gone  a lot longer ago, and I don't know why I waited so long.  Probably because I have been busy.  That really shouldn't even matter you. And I know now that if  I make time for the temple, Heavenly Father will make time for my homework.  So I am going to go every Friday morning before class.  That morning I also went around Campus and took a lot of pictures of Fall in Rexburg, mostly for my mom who sadly, does not get to experience Fall in Gilbert.  Poor thing.  She is missing out.

Take a look at these gorgeous leaves!  fall is my favorite time of the year and I am so thankful that I live in a place where it actually reveals itself.

That afternoon I took didn't have class so I took my Child Development Exam...A! Then we headed down to Utah!  The drive was so fun.  Blasting music, sleeping, and even hitting a car! (hopefully Robyn doesn't mind me sharing that...)  All is well though! There was no damage and no one was hurt.

Robyn and I watched Saturday sessions cuddled up at Robyn's aunt's house. After hearing the unexpected news about missionaries  it was so hard to focus all of the way through the sessions, but we tried our best! My favorite talk on Saturday was probably Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk about our potential, and true happiness.  Some notes I took:
"declaring our testimony of the gospel is good, but living our testimony of the gospel is better."
"It's not a race, it's a journey."
I also loved how he talked about dying regrets. And it made me think about the things I would regret if I left this Earth now.  Things to think about.  They wish they had let themselves be happy, and they wish they had spent more time with loved ones.
My and my Roomie:) I love her so much! She has helped me through so much and I am so lucky to have her there for me.

In-n-Out between Saturday sessions. YUM

We got ground seats for Sunday Morning Session! I could actually see the Prophet and Apostles in person! Not just on the big screen! 

I can't actually tell who I took a picture of, but they are some General Authorities!!! I just don't know which ones... :) 

What a beautiful Temple.  I really wish we could have stayed longer and taken some more pictures there. Definitely one of my favorites!  Gives me chills every time.

After Sunday morning session we headed home.  I was really missing Rexburg! More than I thought I would! 
We stopped in Brigham City and I got to meet up with a friend while Robyn and Jayson went to go see the Brigham City Temple.  

I am home sweet home in Idaho and back to the old grind of homework and classes and stress.  It was so good to have that weekend break though and I am so grateful that I was able to go.

Tonight for FHE we played paint twister and Porter Park.  Holy COW! We got so so so messy!

I love my Room mates!

When I got home, I skyped Matt right away! I miss that kid. I miss my family.  I am homesick for Colorado Springs, and I am family sick for my family. I called my Dad really late tonight(like an hour ago haha) and we talked about my feeling on a mission again.  I really think that I am going to go.  At least, I am going to definitely prepare to.  I think it is the best thing for me to do right now.  I love my family and I am so thankful for their support and encouragement in this decision.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Brains, Boys, and Bears

This week I overworked my brain hardcore! I am working on writing my Midterm Paper for Book of Mormon. 6 Pages on one subject from the Book of Mormon.  I think I am going to discuss family and how it changes and evolves for better and worse over time.  This coming week, I have a Math exam, a Math Project due, the Book of Mormon Midterm paper and presentation, a Child Development Exam, and Anatomy Exam.  Also! I have to finish all of my school work before Friday afternoon room mates and I are going to Utah for General Conference.  YAY!! Ashley, Jessica, and Rachel are going to the Saturday morning session, and I am going to the Sunday Morning Session with Robyn.  I can't wait! Road trip!On our way back home on Sunday we are stopping in Brigham City to see on of my good friends that is going to Utah State.

OH MY GOSH!!! Speaking of Utah...I get to go down to Salt Lake City on November 15th for the Latter-Day Saint International Art Competition for Youth Awards Ceremony because...My Art piece made it all the way to the end of the competition.  So I get to go see it displayed in the Church History Museum!  I really hope my grandparents can come.  They have motivated me, pushed me, and supported me all the way through this and I would love for them to A. see it, and B. see me, and C. be able to be a part of this with me.  Me going down there the week before Thanksgiving weekend means that I might not get to go home for Thanksgiving.  We will see.  

Robyn and I studying in the warm sun before Tuesday afternoon devotional.

This week I decided to go to the gardens to study instead of the library.  Sometimes the library can be kind of distracting because people are always in and out and talking and whispering.  I was able to get a ton done when i went to the gardens though.  It was so peaceful and I could feel the spirit so strong.  I ended up taking Robyn and Morgan there one day so we could study.  We didn't get that much done.  maybe I will just go alone next time. :) We girls just get to talking and don't stop very easily.

I got asked out on my first date here at BYUi.  We went to Sammy's.  It was a little cute diner with yummy burgers and shakes.  My date didn't know exactly where it was so we just walked around Rexburg 'til we found it.  It took about an hour and we walked in a HUGE circle.  Come to find out that it should have only taken us like...maybe 5 minutes. I am glad that it took so long though, because now we have something to laugh about and we got more time to get to know each other. We had a really good time.  After, we went to a friends apartment and watched Superstar. Hilarious Movie!
 Coincidentally matching... 

Saturday I went on another date! The boys took us on a picnic and then to Mesa Falls. Idaho is becoming quite the beauty.  Fall is all around us, especially there! Reds, yellows, oranges, golds, greens, and pinks. and still warm enough to go without a jacket.  Absolutely gorgeous. Once again, a real good time. I love these kids! They are such characters.

Bear awareness...Rawr!

...3 Exams, 1 midterm paper, 1 midterm presentation, 1 project due, a tutoring session, a class discussion to lead, indexing, and laundry to do.  

"Let me guess.  We're about to go over a huge waterfall." -- "yep." -- "Sharp rocks at the bottom?" -- "Most Likely." -- "Bring it on."