Friday, September 14, 2012

I Never Thought It'd Come

Mom and I traveled to Idaho last week to take me to College!  I love my mom and the rest of my family very much and I am so thankful that she came with me so she could live through me as we went on our college roadtrip together.

On Thursday, Mom and I headed out here to Idaho.  It was a really great bonding experience for us as we "toured" Idaho Falls and moved into my dorm.

We flew to Salt Lake and had lunch with my grandma:) I love her. She is a crack up! Then we rented a car and drove to Idaho.  My mommy is so cute!!

Idaho Falls

Idaho Falls Temple

I love my mom! She is so pretty.

Mom and I went to Famous Daves BBQ for dinner in Idaho Falls and did not think we were going to be getting this much food on an appetizer tray.  HOLY cow. It was a heck of a lot of food.
It isnt ALL for me!
 The next morning, bright and early, we headed to Rexburg! the day finally came!! 

My Dorm! I will have to post an updated clean pretty room picture sometime.

Getting ready to say goodbye to mommy

Brigham Young University Idaho with Mom

Brighma Young University with Ashley Rogers my room mate!!!

My room mates on orientation day! I am so lucky to have them.  They are such wonderful friends and we are a little cute family:)

Robyn Litchfield, my new, gorgeous, super fun, crazy room mate and sister!
I love her so much and I am so blessed to be rooming with her.



  1. You are adorable and creative! Glad Robyn has you for her roommate! As i read your blogs I wonder out loud "what trouble will these two find at byui?"
