As the weeks are quickly passing and Fall Semester is already half way over, I am getting more and more homesick and family sick. I am homesick for Colorado Springs and I'm family sick, obviously for my family. I miss them a lot and I cant wait to see my mom and possibly Caleb and Camilla in Salt Lake City in 2 weeks. This afternoon I skyped with them and my mom told me that this morning my little brother Caleb asked, "Is Emily ever coming home?" ***tears...anyways! To Caleb I say, "Yes! I am coming home to see you in about 6 weeks!" It was so good to talk with my parents about what is going on and about future plans with school, missions, and dating, and to say hi to Camilla, watch Caleb try to talk with his mouth full of Halloween candy, see Megan's new iPhone, and watch Bryson do sweet tricks on the trampoline. Sometimes we just need a little home...
This song makes me cry a little every time!
I love these guys!
The holidays are just around the corner and it is making me miss them even more! It was so weird for me to not think much of Halloween this year. We dressed up and went to a dance, but it wasn't the traditional dressing up and seeing your family all dressed up and trick-or-treating, or going to trunk-or-treat like all of the previous years. However, it was still a good time. (once again, thanks to Robyn for her pictures).
Also! 'Tis the season already for Christmas Decorations?? I LOVE this time of year!
ALSO ALSO!!! I VOTED!!! And my whole life I was always jealous that my parents got to wear an "I voted" sticker after they voted, so I was hoping that they would mail me a sticker or something because I voted by mail. They didn't. And I was sad. I wanted a sticker! 

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