Sunday, June 17, 2012

Have I Done Any Good?

Happy Father's Day Daddy!!! I have the best dad ever!! I love you so much.  You are such a wonderful example to me. You are seriously one of my pillars; always keeping me up :) Thank you for all of your kindness, help, and support through the years. Also thank you for all of the cutie-pie postcards of rattlesnakes. haha I miss you so much and I love you dearly. 

Anyways!! I have been thinking a lot lately about measuring up and doing all that I can to be the best that I can be.  Sometimes I feel like my life is so busy that sometimes--okay all the time, I need to be slowing down, if not physically, mentally!  I need to be opening up my eyes and thinking of others and doing what I can to make their day better.  It is so critical that I stop being so selfish and serve others instead of only always thinking about myself and my own gain. I realized that this week and so throughout the week I have been trying my hardest to be nicer and more personal with the people that I come in contact with at work and even in the grocery store! It is so much more fun to be in a happy mood and to be nicer to people I don't even know, and it is making me a ton happier.  Service is not only a blessing to the people you are serving, but also for yourself (which is a huge plus in a so not selfish way).  I am happier when I am making other people happier, even if this means going out of my way.  Check out this sweet video my daddy showed me :)      

"Wake up! and do something more than dream of your mansion above. 
Doing good is a pleasure; a joy beyond measure a blessing of duty and love."  
At church today we studied Charity, specifially,
"Charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeekth not her own, and is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, and endureth all things.  Wherefore my beloved brothren, if ye have not charity ye are nothing..." Moroni 7:45/46 

This really relates to what I have been thinking about lately about doing good and being the best I can be and making others happy.  I love love love this verse and this video, and  I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father and for sending his son Jesus Christ to set a perfect example here on this earth, to teach us all how to love with charity, the pure love of Christ, and I am thankful for the opportunity to work with people all day and the many opportunities I have a day to make others smile.             

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