Friday, June 15, 2012

"The Spirit of Adventure"

This week I have been blessed with the opportunity for many, many adventures.  While living with Stacey for the summer you would think that we would have all of this time to hang out and go on adventures and spend all of this time together.  However, here is the question.  What time?! We are both so busy that we only see each other for a couple of hours. BUT! being in the "spirit of adventure," I decided to take Saturday off to play and let me tell you something! I will always remember this. :)

Tandem Bikes!!! Check that off the bucket list!

We seriously couldn't even walk the bike when we frist got it.

   Brother Allred is helping us out a TON
By Ourselves!!!

Mastered!! Wooot Wooot

We also went bowling!! I love bowling. 
OH!! An we made crayon Art:) we glued crayons to a canvas and blow dried them and it turned out super awesome!!  AND! We went to the mall and got $1 massages from those chairs and got TOMS!. Oh my goodness gracious! I love them!! Most comfortable shoes ever!! Can't wait to get  another pair..after I save up and meet another goal for my college fund:) teehee

Massage chairs! Glad for the experience, but I squeeled the whole time because I was so ticklish.

This is me and my crappy parking job at the bank.  The constructions guys about 50 feet away were all staring at it. haha

I got asked out on a date for Saturday night too! Matt and I and some friends went to Brunswick to play Laser Tag.  It was super duper fun, but I came in last. haha Typical. I need more practice :) Then we went over to Jake's house and went swimming in his super cool indoor pool and built our own fire to roast Marshmallows--okay the boys built our fire, BUT I did the gathering of the baby sticks--okay I helped with the gathering of the baby sticks.  I'll give the guys the credit. :) I would have put pictures of this up, but I didn't have a camera :( Oh well. What an adventure of a day! 

Our Adventure day became Adventure weekend, we decided.  We had a sleepover on friday night and watched a movie. You would think that having a sleepover might be a little unexciting because me and Stacey  live together anyway, but it was a lot of fun and I am so glad we got to do it.  (then saturday was our tamdem/bowling/shopping/crayon/date day) Then on Sunday Stacey and I drove to Denver to pick up some friends for dinner and games and stuff. It was a blast!! I have never played more fun games of twister in my entire life!  we also played a game of "Keys," where one person holds keys and chooses someone to mold them touching the person somehow.  Then that person chooses someone else to mold them, etc. Then whenever the key holder feels like it, he drops they keys and everyine has to run back to the base.. that game was so fun but got quite awkward at some moments :) It happens haha.  


The Keys Game!!

I am looking forward to many more adventures to come.  

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