Wednesday, February 27, 2013

DIY Lace Sweatshirt

This sweatshirt has almost been the death of me.  I started it right after I refashioned those jeans, so...its taken quite some time.  But I have learned a lot from it and I am so happy that it actually turned out cute! 

So..this was all in the first day.  And i think after that i sewed. seam ripped. sewed. seam ripped. over. and over. and over. like...5 times! for days and days! to the whole project! very frustrating.  

But endure to the end folks and you find success eventually.

I had some fun with Megan taking pics on my  new camera! :) I love it! nikon coolpix L810. RED!

next challenge: refashioning a denim vest.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Bad Day, but Not a Bad Life.

I am the type of person who really doesnt seem to care or even notice when I have a bad day. Little things happen and I let them go and forget about it.  
I usually just don't have bad days.  
That being said, today was a terrible day when I think about it!  It felt like everything went wrong. 
 I went to the dentist where I had a brand spankin' new hygienist who had no idea how to work the xray machines so she redid my xrays with those super painful batwing inserts like 10 times on each side and scraped my teeth like theyve never been scraped before. 
 Then I found out I have a cavity. 
 I havent had a cavity since I was like....7!  What the dump!? 
then because the hygienist was taking so long, I was 40 minutes late to Subway, where my boss was a little annoyed 
and customers where getting angry at me for NOT putting mayonnaise on their sandwiches when they didnt even ask for it, like 'duh mayonnaise should always be on a sandwich' or something.  How should I know? I hate mayonnaise.  
After Subway, I went to Liberty and found out they were cutting hours.  Larry cut my hours from 18 a week to 4.  perfect.  I always wanted to make $30 a WEEK.   After I got off at an early 7 o clock I went back to Subway to look at the new schedule and they decided to do some hour cuts too...I went from like 33 to 23.
  One thing that I am really glad I have though is the ability to laugh about all of this.  There was a moment or two where I was so frustrated I wanted to scream, but at the end of the day, I just laughed. really hard.  
 I guess maybe I was due for a bad day 'cuz I never have them, and I am okay with that. 
 I think I handled it pretty well :)  And I really do have a lot to be thankful for.  I am very thankful that I do still have both jobs, even if I do have less hours.  
Things could have been much worse. 
At least I am healthy (aside from the cavity).  
At least I didn't get in a car crash.
At least I have a roof over my head and clothes to wear and a family who loves me.
At least I didn't have to walk to work.
At least I didn't step in dog poop.
At least I didn't get struck by lightning.
(I think you get the idea)    

So it was just a bad day, but it is NOT a bad life.   

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! 
I hope you all enjoyed being in the company of those you love and care about.  
My mom and dad are so sweet! My daddy got the girls in the family a bouquet of flowers that smell so good! I love getting flowers!
 And my parents--I mean Cupid--leaves a valentines treat wrapped all cute in our rooms.

And every Valentine's Day my mom makes a special breakfast.  This year she made stuffed french toast roll-ups.  Basically french toast lathered in peanut butter or nutella and then fried.  We also had strawberries, because it is tradition that something be red or pink.
Then while all of the kiddos went to school and had big Valentines day school parties, I went to work. 

Funny story actually.
 I heard my boss at subway ask a customer if he had any fun plans for Valentine's day and he told her about this restaurant he was taking his wife to.  And I thought to myself.
That is an interesting question.  I really wanna know what awesome plans guys have up their sleeves for the day.  So I thought I would ask that question to make some conversation and to see what creative ideas there
were.  The very first guy I ask responds,
 "YOU know what "fun" plans my wife and I have..." with a smirk on his face.
YIKES! note to self: never ask that question ever ever ever again.  Mind you, this gentleman was...lets just say...he has seen sprier years.

Then I went to my second job and watched Horton Hears a Who, ripped seams I messed up on a DIY sweatshirt, and started reading Anne of Green Gables, all while no clients came in for tax returns because they were off spending time with loved ones.

Luckily, I ended the night with a skype date with Matthew.  I miss this kid!  Valentine's is definitely different this year, but I am making the most of it :) 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Of Good "Fortune"

Today at work I was going through my wallet getting rid of old receipts, and gum wrappers and rubbish and stumbled upon this.

Isn't that just so sweet?! I am real big in collecting good fortunes from cookies and the Dove Chocolate wrappers.  One thing I have noticed though, is that they aren't all "fortunes."

"Personal Words of Wisdom"

"Well...that's nice..." 

 True Fortunes. and I am seeing these actually come to pass!

And the Dove wrappers are always just inspirational i think:) 

There is something about breaking open the fortune cookie that makes me super excited! sometimes i'll even forget about the cookie and just tack the slip of paper up on my bulletin board. haha
Anyways, I am working on another DIY project.  Hopefully it turns out! Ill post it no matter what :) 

Also...I think I officially became that girl that redesigns her blog like every other post.  Oh wait...I might have became that girl quite a while ago...
Happy February! Valentines wishes all around <3    

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

DIY Skinnies

I am a huge pinterest fan.  It is brilliant and it saves so much money.  I decided when I finished the semester that I would try to be more crafty and do pinterest DIY activities.  So this morning, I made skinnies from an old goodwill pair of flare jeans.  My mamma had to help me out in the beginning to remind me how to use the sewing machine, and I really wasn't sure how they were going to turn out. Here goes! 

Turn jeans inside-out 

Pin the sides as skinny as you'd like

 Cut along the edge

Make sure you leave some room just in case you need to remeasure.  I also drew a line with a pencil just in case I lost my spot.

I was kinda scared of completely ruining them

 Sew a straight seam along the line

 Sew a zigzag seam along the very edge AFTER you have tried them on an trimmed the edge down a bit.

TADA! Not too shabby my friends. not too shabby. They are super comfy and now they aren't so short! And I will actually wear them! cuz I have hardly ever worn them...Oh. And they look really good!
Can't wait to try another DIY project :) :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Our Diet Starts Tomorrow"

Okay so lately I feel like I am a bottomless pit! I eat everything, all the time.  I love healthy food! But I love sweets and carbs too. And I can feel it slowing me down.  
I exercise pretty regularly though.  I started jogging since I have been home from school.  3 miles about 4 times a week plus daily core workouts.
  Now, my thought process (justification) when dealing with food is....
"Hey I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want because I ran 3 miles this morning and I will do it again tomorrow."
 However!!! That really is an outrageous thought! Because as you get older your metabolism slows down, so I need to make it a habit to eat healthier now rather than in 5 years or so.  
And hopefully I will feel more energetic, I will have clearer skin, and I won't get the sicko cold that is going around.  

Here is the dilemma though...Super Bowl Sunday is today! SO I can't just not eat the scrumptious Super Bowl food! that's crazy!  That is why they made Doritos, soda, and Oreos!  Therefore, I propose a solution:    

***Start the super healthy eating after Super Bowl Sunday. ***
 Harvard Sailing Team says it best.

My Diet Starts Tomorrow....
If anybody has any words of wisdom, helpful eating tips, super healthy recipes, etc. I would love to hear about them! Thanks :)