Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! 
I hope you all enjoyed being in the company of those you love and care about.  
My mom and dad are so sweet! My daddy got the girls in the family a bouquet of flowers that smell so good! I love getting flowers!
 And my parents--I mean Cupid--leaves a valentines treat wrapped all cute in our rooms.

And every Valentine's Day my mom makes a special breakfast.  This year she made stuffed french toast roll-ups.  Basically french toast lathered in peanut butter or nutella and then fried.  We also had strawberries, because it is tradition that something be red or pink.
Then while all of the kiddos went to school and had big Valentines day school parties, I went to work. 

Funny story actually.
 I heard my boss at subway ask a customer if he had any fun plans for Valentine's day and he told her about this restaurant he was taking his wife to.  And I thought to myself.
That is an interesting question.  I really wanna know what awesome plans guys have up their sleeves for the day.  So I thought I would ask that question to make some conversation and to see what creative ideas there
were.  The very first guy I ask responds,
 "YOU know what "fun" plans my wife and I have..." with a smirk on his face.
YIKES! note to self: never ask that question ever ever ever again.  Mind you, this gentleman was...lets just say...he has seen sprier years.

Then I went to my second job and watched Horton Hears a Who, ripped seams I messed up on a DIY sweatshirt, and started reading Anne of Green Gables, all while no clients came in for tax returns because they were off spending time with loved ones.

Luckily, I ended the night with a skype date with Matthew.  I miss this kid!  Valentine's is definitely different this year, but I am making the most of it :) 

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww you are so much sweet <33333

