Monday, April 29, 2013

The Call

Dear Sister Downing,
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  You are assigned to labor in the Russia Moscow Mission.  You should prepare to preach the gospel in the Russian Language.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am going to Russia!!!! Did not see that one coming.  Grandpa did apparently though.  He was the only one who guessed it right! Which makes it easier for me 'cause I only have to bake cookies for one person.  

Can you see me spittin' out Russian?! I can't.  I'll probably end up with the nickname Olga or something when I come home. 

I got the call in the mail Thursday morning right before class and it was in my backpack all day. TORTURE. I wanted to peak and then pretend to be surprised when I opened it on Skype, but I figured mom would have my head. haha And I really did want it to be a surprise.

Mom got this great video of the party that was goin' on on the other side of the skype camera that she posted on facebook but I cant figure out how to share it to bummer. 

Before I opened it, my little brother caleb sang me "I Hope They Call Me On A Mission." So precious.  That triggered the tears for sure! 

When I saw "Russia Moscow," this  overwhelming, indescribable feeling of peace came over me and I knew that it was of God for ME.  Even if it said "Idaho Boise" I would have felt the same way.  Only God knows why we are going where we are going and He has a plan for each of us in this life.  The difficult, yet exciting, part is figuring out what it is. 

Funny Story...So I have, more than once, called it "Rushcow Mossa." For some odd reason, it is a tongue twister for me. 

Caleb Singing to me
Chandler made this great collage!


Whoa that's huge

Thank you to my friends and family who documented this moment and who have supported me  :)
I just want to testify that I know that this church is the true church on the earth and that missionaries are called of God for the divine purpose of bringing souls unto Christ.  I love my Heavenly Father and His Son  Jesus Christ and I am so thankful for the plan that they have for me and for everything they have blessed me and my family with.  I am so excited to serve as a representative of Him and Christ and I can't wait to serve the people of Russia as well.  

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