Tuesday, June 25, 2013

In the Furnace of Their Affliction

There was a fire in Black Forest. 
It was so sad...
A few weeks ago the youth in one of the wards in Black Forest built up a border of pine needles around the church building  as a fire precaution. 
 That activity was truly inspired.  The church building was saved! Over 500 homes were burned.  And only one house in the our old ward was burned!  It was our old house...  So many good memories in the house and in that yard.  I'm really going to miss it.    

I realized, from facebook and such, that the people who have been affected by the ire have stayed so positive about it.  This huge trial confronts them, 
and the majority of them say they are thankful for what they have; 
they are glad they have their families; 
families are the most important thing; 
"a house is just something that holds all our stuff while we go buy more stuff";  
God has a plan; etc. 
 How could these people react this way?  It makes me wonder how I would react...Obviously they must be devastated to lose their homes and things they care about, but it seems that most of them are looking at the eternal perspective of things.  It amazes me. I am so thankful for these kinds of people because they set such an example for me.

  My heart goes out to all of the families who have been affected by this fire.  Please pray for the families who have lost their homes, or have had to evacuate, or even those who have been mildly affected in the slightest.  They need your prayers.

Heavenly Father loves you and cares so much about your well-being.  He has a plan for you and you may not be able to see what that plan is now, but it will be revealed to you as things get better.  As one door closes another opens.  I Promise :)  

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