I went to Colorado!!!!
For those of you who don't know, "America the Beautiful" was written from Pikes Peak in Colorado...
so that explains the title....that's the end of that story.
And I have forgotten how much I really loved always having the mountains RIGHT THERE. They are constant, dependable. I mean, obviously they are constant. They're mountains. I just mean that the world is ever changing and there are very few things that will always be there. The gospel of Jesus Christ, my eternal family, some friends, and the Mountains.
The mountains were not the only things I missed while I was away. I got to see my very best friends!!!
Okay hold up. Lets take a step back.
Can I just say that I am very proud of myself for driving Megan and Bryson 12.5 hours across states by MYSELF!? Yeah. I did it. My butt has never been so numb. Except when I did it again on the way back. I also figured out that you can plug the little DVD players into the tape pluggy thingy so that I can listen to Gilmore Girls with surround sound to keep myself awake. Genius!
My first adventure while in Colorado was to go see Stacey at the Lamoraeux's house! And I got to hang out with the kiddos. It was so nice to see them all again.
Adventure Day with Matt.
We went to the park, Panera to spend giftcards that my wonderful mother gave me, ice skating for free because of a toy drive, starbucks for hot cocoa, and then his wonderful mother gave us Gift cards to this Mexican restaurant that for the life of me I cannot remember right now. but it was delicious! We walked in and the hostess was like "You guys can take a seat at the bar, or if you'd like I can get you a table." what the HECK!? Apparently we look old or something. I figured its probably because of Matthew's beard...
And then I hurt my neck skating and put stacey's heating pad on it while I read my scriptures :)

Girls Day at Manitou Springs <3 love these two gorgeous girls
All fun things must come to an end... But I am so thankful for the opportunity to take this trip! It was perfect :) Thank you to my parents for letting me do this, to the Allreds for letting me stay with them, and for my friends for a wonderful time!

so that explains the title....that's the end of that story.
And I have forgotten how much I really loved always having the mountains RIGHT THERE. They are constant, dependable. I mean, obviously they are constant. They're mountains. I just mean that the world is ever changing and there are very few things that will always be there. The gospel of Jesus Christ, my eternal family, some friends, and the Mountains.
The mountains were not the only things I missed while I was away. I got to see my very best friends!!!
Okay hold up. Lets take a step back.
Can I just say that I am very proud of myself for driving Megan and Bryson 12.5 hours across states by MYSELF!? Yeah. I did it. My butt has never been so numb. Except when I did it again on the way back. I also figured out that you can plug the little DVD players into the tape pluggy thingy so that I can listen to Gilmore Girls with surround sound to keep myself awake. Genius!
My first adventure while in Colorado was to go see Stacey at the Lamoraeux's house! And I got to hang out with the kiddos. It was so nice to see them all again.
Adventure Day with Matt.
We went to the park, Panera to spend giftcards that my wonderful mother gave me, ice skating for free because of a toy drive, starbucks for hot cocoa, and then his wonderful mother gave us Gift cards to this Mexican restaurant that for the life of me I cannot remember right now. but it was delicious! We walked in and the hostess was like "You guys can take a seat at the bar, or if you'd like I can get you a table." what the HECK!? Apparently we look old or something. I figured its probably because of Matthew's beard...
And then I hurt my neck skating and put stacey's heating pad on it while I read my scriptures :)
it felt better than it probably looks.. and it did the job!
Also, Stacey and I never finished the last few episodes of Gilmore Girls over the Summer, so we just HAD to.
Finishing a TV series gives me the most annoying feeling. I get really sad, and frustrated because I have gotten so attached to the characters. I want to GO to Stars Hollow and stand under the gazebo and walk into Luke's Diner and Dosey's Market and get the gossip from Miss Patty, and a "Suga" from Babbett. Too bad none of that even exists. Which is very frustrating. What I love about Gilmore Girls though is that none of the episodes get old. I can rewatch the series over and over again. I just love it that much.
Also!! The Allreds taught me how to play Trains. (A Ticket to Ride) and I was so addicted! I wanna buy it!
New Years Eve I went to Red Robin for lunch with some friends. My Favorite! and then we saw Les Mis. It was so amazing!!!!!!!!! I loved it! I do wish that the voices were more...opra-y. But it was amazing anyway. AND! Anne Hathaway really did do a great job. I was very impressed.
Every year at the Goodsell's house for new Years Eve, they do predictions for the year. I have never actually done them before this time though because I usually go to the dance. Sooo... here are some predictions:
1. I will serve a foreign mission.
2. Stacey will go to BYUidaho (which isn't happening anymore because she chose Evans and I am so happy for her!!!!!)
3. Matt will serve a foreign mission.
4. I will do more art pieces. (I think that one is more of goal...oh well)
5. Dang..I cant remember any more...but there were a lot!
Stacey and I decided that we would take Krista out for one last LuLu's date before she left for BYUidaho. And we put together a college survival kit for her!
"Hey Krista, Yo like a sista. Yo gonna find a lovely lil mista. All the other girls are gonna get pissed...a. Becuz yo so cute, never put yo phone on mute. Cuz yo won't wanna miss out on a date...cuz he might be yo soul mate <3. So here's this college survival kit...we hope it's a hit!"
Vitamin C cough drops, 4 packs of ramen noodles, chapstick because of all of the boys she'll be kissin', gas relief tablets, "PS I Love You," Gloves, Hot cocoa, and stress relief masks.
I just love my friends so much! :) Oh how I have missed you
We are going to miss you Krista!!!! Best wishes in your first Semester of College! See you when I get there!!!
We are very excited for Stacey to Graduate High School!!!
We went to Bath and Body Works Semi Annual Sale and I fell in LOVE with twilight woods. Never thought I even liked it.
Matt and I also went to paint the town with Jake and Morgan and we traded again. This is going to have to be a tradition now :)

The owner of the shop has these little dogs--SO ADORABLE!! I wanted to take one of them home.
When we grow up we wanna be flight attendants! Thrifting.
Creepy Alley. EEE EEE EEEK
Precious <3
I spent Friday evening with Matt and his family. We were the chefs for the night! We made chicken and veggies and...kuskus? Whatever it was, it was so good! and sparkling cider. Then we just lounged around and watched Despicable Me AND Monsters Inc. with the family. i love them <3

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