Saturday, January 12, 2013

On the Prowl

This week has just been way too annoying for me.  I have been job hunting all week.  I really don't like to job hunt because it is frustrating.  
All I can think about is finding a job, filling out applications, interview gone wrong, etc. On my first day on the prowl, I got an interview scheduled at White House Black Market and I was so confident.  Probably way too confident because I went in the next day and it didn't so well. Apparently, retail managers prefer people with retail experience, not food experience, which is all I have.  Who'da thunk, right? Understandable, but everyone has to start somewhere.  I just hope I find something good quick! Heaven forbid I have to result to Mcy D's or Wally World.  So the job hunt continues!
Also, I decided a few weeks ago that Nursing is not for me.  
I am not interested in it anymore and I know that it isn't going to make me happy.  So...when I go back up to school, I am changing my major to Art Education! I am already so excited to finish up my generals and start on my major next semester :)    


  1. Yay!! I am so excited for you! That is an awesome major for you:) Can't wait! Also good luck with the whole job hunting thing. I absolutely HATE job hunting. :/

  2. Wow are we the same person? I too am job hunting (and very successfully at that) and I too have decided as of recently that nursing isn't for me. I also am Mormon, so ya TWINNERS. ;) In all serious though, I love your blog and I wish you luck in the job hunt and the new major! :)

    1. No way!? Small world ;) I wish you the best of luck in your job hunting as well Haylee! I love your blog too! Checked it out a few minutes ago. So. Cute.
